choose the right car for the first time

How to choose the right car for the first time?


A first piece of advice : do not delude yourself too much, your first car will probably not be the car of your dreams, but the one that will allow you to get your hands dirty for the time of the insurance premium . It will surely wipe away the plasters (and the bumps) of your “inexperience” as a young driver .

But then, which model to choose? What budget to devote to it? Gasoline or diesel? New or used? Here are some tips for choosing the right car for the first time.

1. What budget for a first car, from 18 years old?

We note that the purchase of a first car is often done at the time of studies or a first job and therefore with a limited budget which generally oscillates between 2000 and 5000 €. At this price, the vehicle will inevitably have lived a little and will have undergone (or will have to undergo) some repairs.

We also tend to forget the additional costs: the gray card (which depends on the fiscal power of the car and your department of residence), inspections, periodic maintenance and possible repairs, fuel and tolls, technical control, parking or rental of a box, and of course, insurance premiums. They represent a significant budget that it is important to take into account. While things like inspections, fuel, and tolls are more of a fixed cost, the same cannot be said for all additional costs. For instance, you can easily compare auto insurance plans online and choose the one that is the cheapest while still accounting for your needs. The same can be said for servicing your

Here is a selection of city cars that could interest a beginner or a beginner


2. Finding the right model: a list of questions for every young driver

Before focusing on a specific make and model, take the time to define the use you will have of it, whether for a new or used car.

How many kilometers will you travel per year?

Determine if your trips will be daily (home-work-school-nanny) or occasional (leisure) or even how many times per year / month you plan to visit your family who live far away. The longer you plan to travel, the more you will move towards a first diesel car that is comfortable, economical in use and safe.

Where are you going to ride the most?

On small mountain roads , an all-terrain vehicle could prove more useful than a city car which is more suitable for urban journeys and short trips. On the highway , prefer a first compact car, a sedan, an SUV .

Where are you going to park it?

If you have no choice but to park it outside on the street, opt for a car that is manoeuvrable , easy to park and not too new. On the other hand, if you have a closed box, your car is protected and you can afford to take a newer or higher model in the range.

How will you use it?

If your use is more family-oriented , the number of seats and the dimensions of the trunk will be at the center of your concerns. If, on the contrary, you will drive more alone, plan for the near future: are your desires to start a family quickly compatible with the small car you covet? On the other hand, if you already live as a couple and if you have young children , prefer a 5-door car, which is more practical. Finally, sports enthusiasts with equipment to transport, owners of (large) dogs will find more use in an SUV or station wagon, or even a pick-up .

If you’re shopping for your teen’s first car, please see the helpful information below.
Capital Auto Auction

Infographic provided by Capital Auto Auction

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