Histovec: a free and official service to access the history of a used vehicle, before deciding to buy it

Histovec: a free and official service to access the history of a used vehicle, before deciding to buy it


Since January 2019, to improve the information of drivers wishing to acquire a used vehicle by allowing them to know the history of the vehicle for sale, the Histovec external link platform has been put online.

This Histovec platform – for “vehicle history” – is aimed at owners and potential buyers of used vehicles. Histovec concerns all vehicles (motorized two-wheelers, cars, trucks, etc.) regardless of the format, new or old, of their license plate (for example AA-123-AA or 1234 AB 01).

Transparency of used vehicle information

Histovec’s objective is to provide owners and future buyers, simply and free of charge, upstream of their transactions, with information on the vehicle in question. The interface provides, in fact, in a confidential space, the pedigree of a used vehicle with key elements to decide to buy it. It provides information on the salient facts relating to the journey of the vehicle.

Histovec, simple and efficient operation

The owner who wishes to sell his used vehicle connects using the license plate number of the vehicle concerned, his personal data and information appearing on the registration card. He can then share the following information with the potential buyer via the site:Claims giving rise to a repair procedure checked by an automobile expert
Administrative situation of the vehicle (pledge, opposition, theft)
Dates and results of technical checks, mileage history
Technical characteristics (brand, color, displacement, power CV, engine speed, noise level, pollution criterion, etc.).
An obligatory crossing point
The owner of the vehicle is obliged to provide the certificate of administrative situation (also called “certificate of non-pledge”) at the time of sale of the vehicle. From now on, this certificate of administrative situation, mandatory document during the transfer, is accessible via Histovec and enriched with the history of the vehicle.

Warning: HISTOVEC cannot retrieve all the information from certain license plates due to their age!

The French vehicle registration system changed dramatically in 2009. By consulting the site, the user may discover a blank page instead of the complete history of operations associated with the vehicle. All information concerning a vehicle with an old registration number may not be returned due to the age of the file (partial information transcribed on hard-to-read paper files, old entry errors, etc.). A link is then used to communicate by email with the service.

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